


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 onate weathering during glacioeustatic sea-level regression has been proposed to account for this anomalous C-isotope exc
2                                          One mechanism that has been proposed to account for this difference is the immun
3 tected metastases at the time of diagnosis in younger women has been proposed to account for this difference.
4                  Single gene mutations in at least 50 genes have been proposed to account for 25-50% of DCM cases and up
5                                 Numerous physical processes have been proposed to account for the funnelling of gas towar
6             Force induced unfolding of talin rod subdomains has been proposed to act as a cellular mechanosensor, but so
7                                               The ST18 gene has been proposed to act either as a tumor suppressor or as a
8                          The fission yeast contractile ring has been proposed to assemble by Search-Capture-Pull-Release
9                IL-6/IL-6R signaling pathway, in particular, has been proposed to be a pivotal cytokine promoting ovarian
10                                            As the PX domain has been proposed to be a primary mechanical anchor for the K
11 rotein (GAP) activity for RAGA and RAGB (RAGA/B) and GATOR2 has been proposed to be an inhibitor of GATOR1.
12 urface of this catalyst during the electrochemical reaction has been proposed to be beneficial for its catalytic performa
13 s chemotherapy-induced primordial follicle depletion, which has been proposed to be mediated in part by increased activat
14 e two main shell morphologies - saddleback and domed - that have been proposed to be adaptive.
15 y neighbouring beta- and delta-cells (paracrine regulation) have been proposed to be important.
16                                          Numerous solutions have been proposed to boost food production while protecting
17         Cell type-specific changes in neuronal excitability have been proposed to contribute to the selective degeneratio
18                                     In this task, the sHsps have been proposed to coordinate with ATP-dependent chaperone
19                                              Several models have been proposed to describe body sway in an upright standi
20                                Sporadic Parkinson's disease has been proposed to develop after ingestion of neurotoxicant
21                                            Viral infections have been proposed to elicit pathological processes leading t
22 ed state to an assembly of electronically coupled acceptors has been proposed to enhance charge transfer efficiency in fu
23               The functional severity of the mutant channel has been proposed to explain this phenomenon.
24                       Although several molecular mechanisms have been proposed to explain NMDR relationships, they are la
25                                          Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this genomic variability, but t
26                                    Two non-exclusive models have been proposed to explain Toddler function.
27                                          The spindle matrix has been proposed to facilitate mitotic spindle assembly.
28 tial for embryonic development, a homologous protein, Ctr2, has been proposed to function as a low-affinity Cu transporte
29                             The RNA binding protein, LARP1, has been proposed to function downstream of mTORC1 to regulat
30                              An invariant histidine residue has been proposed to function in the TH form as a general aci
31 elated to appetitive behavior in humans and animals, and it has been proposed to govern hedonic aspects of feeding thus c
32 y models of disease progression in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have been proposed to help guide experimental design and aid
33                 Recently unsupervised clustering algorithms have been proposed to identify gene-sets from transcriptomics
34 tive-like HIV-1 Env immunogens representing distinct clades have been proposed to improve immunogenicity.
35 -donation from the axial thiolate ligand of cytochrome P450 has been proposed to increase the reactivity of compound I wi
36                                Variability in TSS selection has been proposed to involve DNA 'scrunching' and 'anti-scrun
37                                            Separable routes have been proposed to mediate these processes, with preferent
38                                     Therefore, many efforts have been proposed to modify the antibacterial features of GI
39              Removing nucleosomes from regulatory sequences has been proposed to play a significant role in activation.
40                                         Prefibillar species have been proposed to play a key role in the cytotoxicity of
41             The organization of chromosomes in sperm nuclei has been proposed to possess a unique "hairpin-loop" arrangem
42 l variant(s), a variety of statistical fine-mapping methods have been proposed to prioritize variants for functional vali
43  new parameter, namely relative antioxidant activity (RAA), has been proposed to rank these antioxidants according to the
44                                    Although many algorithms have been proposed to reconstruct GRNs, more rapid and effici
45                                    Such motivational biases have been proposed to reflect cue-based, 'Pavlovian' effects.
46 ses are found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and have been proposed to regulate different aspects of translati
47                              These phenotypic commonalities have been proposed to stem from disruption of conserved regul
48 d sleep spindles during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep has been proposed to support memory consolidation.
49            Although prospective hippocampal representations have been proposed to support planning, intact planning in an
50                                                 These cells have been proposed to transform directly into HCC cells (via

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